The company teamed up with Tencent Games, which is also the developer of popular PUBG Mobile game to produce Call of Duty: Mobile. The mobile game will also be listed on Google Play and the App Store to download and one can play the game without any charge. Chris Plummer, Vice President, Mobile at Activision said, “We are delivering the definitive, first-person action experience on mobile with signature Call of Duty gameplay in the palms of your hands. We are bringing together some of the best the franchise has to offer, including Modern Warfare maps like Crash and Crossfire, Black Ops maps like Nuketown and Hijacked, and many more, into one epic title. We’ve tested the game extensively in select territories and the feedback we’ve received has helped us refine the experience for October 1.” Call of Duty: Mobile will come with new maps, characters and will also include Battle Royale mode similar to PUBG Mobile along with all the important features and 100 players on the map. The multiplayer game will come with fan-favorite maps, familiar characters, signature weapons and competitive game modes stirred from Call of Duty: Black Ops, Modern Warfare, and other Call of Duty license games. It will also more than a few gameplay modes such as Team Deathmatch, Free-for-All, and Search and Destroy along with classic maps like Nuketown, Crash, Hijacked, Crossfire, Standoff, Crash and Killhouse(to name a few). The mobile version of Call of Duty game also includes characters from the classic Modern Warfare and Black Ops series such as Alex Mason, Thomas Merrick, Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley and John “Soap” MacTavish along with customisable control system like simple Mode with automatic firing at enemies, and Advanced Mode with manual firing among others. As said, the game offers different modes like Free-For-All, Frontline, Team Deathmatch, Hardpoint, and Domination. Call of Duty: Mobile’s battle royale mode will allow the gamers to play in a four-member team, two-member teams and even alone plus the game has to support for up to 100 players in an open map. It will also allow the players to opt between first or third-person perceptions. They can also fight across land, sea and air with the use of ATV, helicopter, and tactical raft. They can also assemble weapons and equipment like grenades while playing the game. Those who are interested can get themselves pre-registered for the game on the official website. The game will be available for download on Google Play Store and Apple App Store in all the regions across the globe excluding Mainland China, Vietnam and Belgium. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

Call of Duty  Mobile for Android and iOS set to launch on October 1 - 98Call of Duty  Mobile for Android and iOS set to launch on October 1 - 29